Ricardo Nolazco

M.Eng., EIT

Ricardo Nolazco is a current EIT with APEGA, with a passion for the effective management of water and its role in environmental protection discussions. During his master’s program and undergraduate degree curriculum, Ricardo has worked on projects comparing the sustainability factors of UV disinfection and chlorination as primary disinfection methods in the City of Calgary’s water treatment facilities, lifecycle greenhouse emissions in the Canadian steel industry, and effects of eutrophication on tropical lakes. He is also experienced in environmental dispersion modelling of particulate matter in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area and did intern work for the treatment of industrial wastewater to achieve the standards established in Mexican environmental law.

  Ricardo holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering from the University of Calgary, and a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from ITESO in Guadalajara, Mexico. Ricardo has taken graduate level courses in project management and environmental chemistry with a focus on water resources.