Bow Basin Flood Mitigation and Watershed Management Project – 2014

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DOWNLOAD PUBLICATION Bow Basin Flood Mitigation and Watershed Management Project Final Report 2014-03-31

The Bow Basin Flood Mitigation and Watershed Management Project was a collaborative effort of water management experts throughout the Bow River Basin to identify, examine and assess the intended and unintended consequences and trade-offs of potential flood mitigation options from a “headwaters to confluence” river system perspective. It considered flood mitigation options for the whole Bow River Basin including the Bow, Elbow, Highwood, and Sheep rivers.

The report presents the modelling results, extensive discussion for each individual mitigation option as well as options to achieve three different target flood flows. Many different approaches to mitigation were explored: changing existing reservoir operations, diversions, dry dams, wetland storage, land management, restoring natural river functions, and relocation.

Table of Contents