The South Saskatchewan River Operations Model (SSROM) is a comprehensive, daily, mass balance river model developed for the Bow River, Red Deer River, Oldman River, and South Saskatchewan River Basins. The various sub-basin models were constructed through several collaborative Working Groups between 2011 to 2015, which were then integrated, in 2015, to create the SSROM. The SSROM models the entirety of the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) and is built on the Operational Analysis and Simulation of Integrated Systems (OASIS) modelling platform.
Given the significant changes in the system since 2015 which include irrigation district expansions, construction of new infrastructure, and changes to the operation of the system, there was a recognized need to update the SSROM to reflect current operations. Collaborative Working Groups have provided updated information on the current base case, including updates to reservoir management, to reflect these current operations. Working Group members included irrigation districts and Government of Alberta (GoA) representatives, specifically members from key government departments such as Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) and Agriculture Forestry and Rural Economic Development (AAFRED).
Download: Updates to the SSROM and the Underlying OASIS Platform Project Final Report – FINAL
Download: Appendix I – SSROM User Training – Basic User Training
Download: Appendix I – SSROM User Training – Practitioner Training