WaterSMART is proud of our work supporting Suncor’s Water Technology Development Centre (WTDC), which in May won a 2019 Daily Oil Bulletin Energy Excellence Award in the Operational and Project Excellence category.
The WTDC is a $143 million live-fluid test facility being constructed at Suncor’s Firebag steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) facility. It is a collaborative project with Canadian Natural, CNOOC, Devon, Husky and Suncor participating. The overall goal of the project is to accelerate the time it takes to operationalize new water technologies for Alberta’s oil sands industry.
WaterSMART is proud of our work supporting Suncor’s Water Technology Development Centre (WTDC), which recently won a 2019 Daily Oil Bulletin Energy Excellence Award in the Operational and Project Excellence category.
The WTDC is a $143 million live-fluid test facility being constructed at Suncor’s Firebag steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) facility. It is a collaborative project with Canadian Natural, CNOOC, Devon, Husky and Suncor participating. The overall goal of the project is to accelerate the time it takes to operationalize new water technologies for Alberta’s oil sands industry.
WaterSMART’s role in this innovating and award-winning project includes:
- Supporting committee meetings through scheduling, agenda development, document management (on an online platform so all participants have document access), and meeting minutes. These committee meetings deal with the technical and managerial aspects of the project and the committee members come from each of the project participants.
- Supporting Suncor, who chairs the committees and is managing the project, with internal meeting support and by maintaining records of financial forecasts and incurred costs.
- Supporting the project partners with work related to the pilots, which occurs outside of regularly scheduled meetings. This includes assisting in the assessment of eligibility for SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) tax credits, preparing funding applications, and helping model the business case for potential technology pilots.
The Daily Oil Bulletin Energy Excellence Awards celebrate Canada’s energy industry by acknowledging companies who excel in operational and project excellence, innovation and research excellence, and exporting excellence.
The Operational and Project Excellence category in which the WTDC won its award focuses on the best projects and operational collaborations completed in 2018. Areas including project and environmental performance, collaboration, technologies and processes and corporate social responsibility were considered.
For more information about the Awards, go to: https://www.jwnenergy.com/article/2019/5/meet-2019-daily-oil-bulletin-energy-excellence-award-champions