CALGARY (May 29, 2023) – The first edition of the Guidance Framework for Pilot Testing of Industrial Water Reuse Technology (the Guidance Framework) was published in April 2023 by WaterSMART Solutions Ltd. and ACWA (Advancing Canadian Water Assets). The Guidance Framework was developed over a period of several months through a project co-funded by Alberta Innovates and CRIN (the Clean Resource Innovation Network), and it reflects input from over 45 participants representing technology developers, industrial end users, regulators, and funding bodies.
To recognize both the importance and the difficulty of effectively piloting water reuse technologies to support commercialization, the Guidance Framework was developed to assist those who are planning, championing, or funding pilot tests for industrial water reuse technologies. It provides an overview of the numerous considerations that need to be addressed when planning the journey from a technology proof-of-concept (i.e., typically something that has been shown to work at the bench-scale in a laboratory or workshop) through to a technology that has reached full-scale commercial maturity and is ready for marketplace adoption. Just like a map for other journeys, this is a planning tool that bridges big-picture aspiration with on-the-ground realities and seeks to reduce the missteps that could occur.
The Guidance Framework can be viewed here.
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