DOWNLOAD FINAL REPORT: A Roadmap for Sustainable Water Management in the Athabasca River Basin
DOWNLOAD FINAL SLIDES:ARB Final Report Presentation
The Sustainable Water Management in the Athabasca River Basin Initiative (The ARB Initiative) is an innovative project using an integrated modelling tool and collaborative modelling process to identify water management issues, assess opportunities, and build resilience to future change.
Through this initiative, WaterSMART brought together the best available data, an integrated modelling tool, and an inclusive and diverse working group (Indigenous and non-Indigenous) from across the basin in a transparent and open process, to explore mitigation, adaptation, and management strategies in response to a range of plausible land use and climate change scenarios, and growth in the basin.
The collaborative modelling process provided the diverse Working Group the opportunity to see their individual and collective interests reflected on a larger, basin-wider scale. These modelling outputs were then used to create a Roadmap for Sustainable Water Management in the ARB, which functions as a guidance document for future water management strategies in the ARB.
ARB Initiative Interim Documents
- ARB Initiative March 2017 Introductory Memo
- ARB Initiative DRAFT Working Group Terms of Reference Dec 2016
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #1 meeting summary and slides
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #2 meeting summary and slides
- Supplementary ARB Working Group meeting, Fort McMurray, meeting summary
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #3 meeting summary and slides
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #4 meeting summary and slides
- ARB Interim Report #1
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #5 meeting summary and slides
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #6 meeting summary and slides
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #7 meeting summary and slides
- ARB Initiative Working Group meeting #8 meeting summary and slides