Natural and managed capacity of regional water supply in the Calgary Metropolitan Region – 2019

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The Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) has a mandate to complete a Growth Plan and Servicing Plan for the Calgary Metropolitan Region (CMR) by December 2020. As part of the Servicing Plan development, the CMRB is undertaking inter-related studies of five Complexities that were identified as part of the CMRB Water Roadmap. The complexities focus on existing water and wastewater servicing, demand management, natural and managed capacity of supply, regulation and policy, and water quality and a background report on stormwater. Natural and managed capacity of water supply is the focus of this complexity study, which documents a summary of learnings from existing literature to provide relevant guidance to the CMRB Growth Plan consultant on the topic of natural and managed capacity of regional water supply.

Download: Natural and Managed Capacity – Water Supply- CMR

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